A story so chilling...

I was watching TV in my hotel. And i came across this program Cult killer. Its a horrifying story about a cult a boy who grew up in the cult. He had a video recorded before his sucide, wanted to kill his mother and kill himself. he was partially successful. To know such a story was very chilling. if you want to know more u can find more at , the best part that he could grow up in a such a clear mind among the worst situation possible.


I dont want to write anything about this story here. But the reason i wrote this story is something else. I felt a little better that my life was not as bad, i was lucky to get a good education, great friends , few of the best teachers in world. But then i felt guilty that i was thinking like that.... may be i am ...

After 3 yrs...

Finally i got some time to catch up with the a book other than the subject book. I was on a coast to coast to flight from New york to California. With the reputation of our airlines i was sure about a delay and did not want to spend my time with scientific journals anymore !!! the read the whole book in just few hours , hmm still fast after 3 yrs !!!

I bought Kite Runner Since i had heard about it from people. It was pretty good book. The story was very much down to earth. There are so many terribly sad and wrong things in this world which is true and is happening. But when i am standing in the zebra crossing today morning i cannot help stop wondering, watching all of us crossing the roads. I wonder how many of us know about these things, or may be its more of a choice, to accept it or deny it. Its very easy to turn a blind eye to these things and get consumed with our own lives. Because its the easiest thing to do. I still remember john miltons lines from paradise lost,

"For good unknown, sure is not had, or had
And yet unknown, is as not had at all"

may be it applies for bad too. and that's what we do.